
Below you’ll find the list of training courses that we offer. Exact start dates for these courses can be found on the schedule page.

See Full Schedule

Initial AHERA Asbestos Courses**

Asbestos Abatement Worker

This 4-day course is for personnel involved with the removal, encapsulation, enclosure, and repair of asbestos-containing materials. It satisfies the training requirements of OSHA/Cal-OSHA’s Class I and II worker training as well as EPA’s Model Accreditation Plan requirements for AHERA worker training. Topics include recognition of asbestos-containing materials, health effects, personal protective equipment, and safe work practices. Hands-on activities are an integral part of the learning process.

Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor*

This 5-day course is for personnel involved with supervision of personnel conducting removal, encapsulation, enclosure, and repair of asbestos-containing materials. It satisfies the training requirements of OSHA/Cal-OSHA’s Class I and II Competent Person training for asbestos as well as EPA’s Model Accreditation Plan (AHERA) training. Topics include recognition of asbestos-containing materials, health affects, personal protective equipment, safe work practices, supervisory techniques, recordkeeping, contract specifications, and legal issues. Hands-on activities and project planning are part of the learning experience.

Asbestos Building Inspector*

This 3-day course is for personnel involved with the identification of asbestos-containing materials and assessment of their condition. Topics include asbestos types and usual locations, personal protective equipment, public relations, bulk sampling techniques, legal issues, physical assessment techniques, and report writing. Additionally, a mock inspection is part of this course. This course satisfies OSHA qualification requirements for sampling of PACM and AHERA/ASHARA requirements for asbestos inspections of schools, and public and commercial buildings.

Asbestos Management Planner *

This 2-day course is for personnel involved in the long-term facility planning of all asbestos activities. Topics include the evaluation and interpretation of inspection reports, hazard assessment, selection of appropriate control options, operations and maintenance programs, assembling and writing a management plan, cost estimating, and financing abatement activities. Students must have the Asbestos Building Inspector course as a pre-requisite for participating in this course.

Asbestos Project Designer*

This 3-day course is for individuals, architects, or engineers involved with the design and production of specifications for asbestos abatement activities. Topics include asbestos-containing material identification, health effects, worker protection issues, bystander protection issues, developing contract specifications and drawings, assembling the project manual, and cost estimating. Design projects are part of this curriculum. It is suggested that attendees of this course have attended the Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor course although this is not a legal requirement.

* These courses are also training requirements for those individuals desiring to become a California Certified Asbestos Consultant. Asbestos /Supervisor and Asbestos Building Inspector courses are training courses required of individuals desiring to become a California Site Surveillance Technician.

**All initial classes may be rescheduled if minimum enrollment requirement is not met.

OSHA Job Classifications

Class I – Removal of Surfacing/TSI ACM or PACM

Class II – Removal of Other ACM

Class III – Maintenance or repair activities where ACM/PACM is disturbed in order to access another component. (Not to exceed the amount that can be contained in a 60” X 60” bag.

Class IV – Maintenance or Custodial activities where workers contact ACM/PACM

Other Asbestos-Related Initial Courses

Asbestos General Awareness

This 2-hour course is for personnel who may contact, but not disturb, asbestos-containing materials in the course of normal custodial and maintenance activities. This course satisfies OSHA/Cal-OSHA training requirements for Class IV workers as well as EPA AHERA requirements for custodial/maintenance personnel who work in a building containing asbestos-containing materials. Topics include recognition of asbestos-containing materials, health effects of asbestos exposure, and methods to avoid disturbing asbestos.

Asbestos Operations and Maintenance

This 2-day course is for personnel involved in operations and maintenance activities which involve the secondary disturbance of ACM not to exceed the amount that can be contained in a single 60”X 60” bag. This course satisfies the AHERA training requirements for schools and OSHA/Cal-OSHA requirements for Class III workers and Class III and IV Competent Person training. Topics include health effects, personal protective equipment, and safe work practices. Hands-on activities are an integral part of the learning process.

NIOSH 582 Equivalency Course

This 5-day course is for consultants or other personnel involved in the collection and analysis of asbestos air samples using phase contrast microscopy. Topics include collection of air samples, slide preparation, counting techniques, analysis of fiber density and fiber concentration, statistics, calibration techniques, quality assurance programs, and reporting requirements.

CAC/SST Review

This 1-day course is designed for personnel planning to take the California Certified Asbestos Consultant or the California Site Surveillance Technician examination administered by Cal-OSHA. A series of examinations and lectures prepare students in the required technical knowledge and test-taking techniques.

OSHA Job Classifications

Class I – Removal of Surfacing/TSI ACM or PACM

Class II – Removal of Other ACM

Class III – Maintenance or repair activities where ACM/PACM is disturbed in order to access another component. (Not to exceed the amount that can be contained in a 60” X 60” bag.)

Class IV – Maintenance or Custodial activities where workers contact ACM/PACM

Asbestos Refresher Courses

AHERA Refresher Courses

Asbestos Worker Refresher

This 1-day refresher course reviews topics covered in the initial course, introduces new regulatory requirements, and provides a forum for students to share new techniques/methods used on the job site. A current certificate is required in order to qualify for re-certification.

Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Refresher

This 1-day refresher course reviews topics covered in the initial course, introduces new regulatory requirements and/or procedures, and provides a forum for students to share new techniques/methods used on the job site. A current certificate is required in order to qualify for re-certification.

Asbestos Building Inspector Refresher

This 1/2 day refresher course reviews topics covered in the initial course, introduces new regulatory requirements, and provides a forum for students to share new techniques/methods used on the job site. A greater emphasis on the differences between NESHAP and OSHA type surveys for demolition/renovation projects and AHERA surveys are discussed. A current certificate is required in order to qualify for re-certification.

Asbestos Management Planner Refresher

This 1/2-day refresher course reviews topics covered in the initial course, introduces new regulatory requirements, and provides a forum for students to share experiences. This course is conducted on the same day as the Asbestos Building Inspector Refresher. A current certificate is required in order to qualify for re-certification.

Asbestos Project Designer Refresher

This 1-day refresher course reviews topics covered in the initial course, introduces new regulatory requirements, and provides a forum for students to share new techniques/methods used in designing response actions to asbestos hazards. The decisions involved in creating a good project design are discussed and students develop an preliminary design as part of this course.. A current certificate is required in order to qualify for re-certification.

Other Refresher Courses

Operations and Maintenance Refresher

This course satisfies the annual refresher requirement for personnel performing Class III work or performing as a Competent Person for Class III or IV jobs. This 4 hour refresher reviews topics covered in the initial course, introduces new regulatory requirements, and provides a forum for students to share new techniques/methods used on the job site.

Asbestos General Awareness Refresher

2 hour refresher course for OSHA/Cal-OSHA Class IV workers.

OSHA Job Classifications

Class IRemoval of Surfacing/TSIACM or PACM

Class IIRemoval of Other ACM

Class III – Maintenance or repair activities where ACM/PACM is disturbed in order to access another component. (Not to exceed the amount that can be contained in a 60” X 60” bag.

Class IV – Maintenance or Custodial activities where workers contact ACM/PACM